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Ok ppl I'm gonna put a list of ppl i'm friends with and some stuff bout them and ya w/e if they have a pic they can e-mail it to me ;)

This is Katie

Katie was special she gave me her pic although *ahem* no one else has yet

  Ok here are my school friends

Katie: really... interesting :p (revenge is sweet) beware she is subjective to mood swings ;) A WOUNDER and ya good at art

Kayla: really funny and nice but always sick and at home but sigh also a WOUNDER they all like poking me, messing up my hair, and pushing me :'(

Branden: really funny (in his own way) and pretty kewl

Mark: really funny, interesting, nice, athletic and kewl

John:pretty funny... WOUNDER! likes picking on me and making me squeek :( oh woe is me

Reed: interesting... pretty funny... ALSO A WOUNDER! likes picking on me and making me squeek and giving me the finger

Allison: (I hope i spelt that right) funny and really artistic

Carly: Funny and also very artistic

Jessica: funny, interesting and artistic

Beck: funny, interesting and kewl

Kevin: very funny and fun to talk to

Andrew: very funny and also fun to talk to

Zoe: very fun to talk to... athletic and funny.

and other ppl r really kewl to talk to on msn or w/e but i won't take the time to write them all down (srry :( i would if i could mayb i'll go back and right y'all down later )

Friends (not school)

These ppl do not go to wecs

Julia: very good friend - very trustworthy and loyal

Shirley: really funny and fun to talk to

Kia: really athletic and awesome to talk to

Beau: kewl and funny

Leanna: interesting... likes picking on reed... fun to talk to :)

Melinda: funny, interesting and kewl

Rebecca (another one): very fun to talk to :p and kewl

Cary: really fun to talk to and very funny

Christina: a very devoted Christian very kind




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Ok that's all I feel like saying right now

So see you at school, small group, or talk to u on msn! :)

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This is one of my favorite images
Guys please give my pics!!!.

This is one of my favorite images

Yo ppls pls give me ur pics!!!!!